Hogwarts Board of Governors

With the conclusion of the Second Wizarding World and the defeat of Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters, the Hogwarts Board of Governors was expanded to ensure every individual at the school was properly presented. However, internal conflict has arisen between those of "Old Blood" and those of "New Blood". With governors clashing due to differing beliefs, is it possible for students to even begin the 1998-1999 school year? Will the board be able to resolve their conflicts peacefully or should students brace for the next wizarding war?

Jade Mon


Hop on the Hogwarts Express, because Jade has yet to write a letter yet!

Jade Mon
Chair, Hogwarts Board of Governors

Jackson Englar-Carlson

Crisis Director

Jackson’s letter coming soon!

Jackson Englar-Carlson
Crisis Director, Hogwarts Board of Governors